Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Athenx, a leader in the aviation industry, is dedicated to conducting business responsibly and ethically, ensuring that all aspects of our operations are free from modern slavery and human trafficking. Our commitment aligns with the principles set forth in the Modern Slavery Act 2015, reflecting our steadfast dedication to human rights and dignity.

Our Business and Supply Chains

Athenx operates in the aviation sector, with a network of suppliers and partners both domestically and internationally. We acknowledge that the aviation industry faces risks of modern slavery, and we are vigilant in mitigating these risks throughout our supply chains and business operations.

Policies and Due Diligence Processes

Our company has established a comprehensive set of policies and procedures designed to uphold ethical practices and prevent any form of modern slavery within our operations. This includes:

  • A rigorous Supplier Code of Conduct that mandates adherence to human rights and labor standards.
  • Regular audits and assessments of our supply chains to identify and address risks related to modern slavery.
  • Whistleblower policies encouraging employees and stakeholders to report any suspicions of unethical conduct without fear of retaliation.

Training and Capacity Building

We ensure that our staff, particularly those in procurement and supply chain management in the aviation sector, receive ongoing training on identifying and preventing modern slavery risks. Our aim is to foster a company culture that is aware, responsive, and proactive in this critical area.

Our Effectiveness in Combating Slavery

Athenx measures the effectiveness of its efforts against modern slavery through:

  • Regular reviews of supply chain audit findings.
  • Monitoring the outcomes of our training programs.
  • Swift action and remediation in cases where issues are identified.

Further Commitments

Athenx pledges to continuously evaluate and improve our strategies to combat modern slavery in the aviation sector, staying abreast of evolving risks and best practices.


For inquiries or to report concerns regarding modern slavery in relation to Athenx’s operations, please contact us at


This statement is approved by Athenx’s senior management and will be reviewed and updated annually.

Date: 22/04/2024